The ideal, multi-functional product for the setting-up process and water maintenance using saline electrolysis, protecting the incrustation cell, eliminating the phosphates and making the water clearer.
It extends the useful life of the cell, reduces water and electricity consumption and improves the production of disinfectant, thus generating significant financial savings and simplifying pool maintenance.
Suitable for residential equipment.
Supper concentrate brightener: gets water rid of grease, sun-tan oils, organic matter, pollen and all kind particles by coagulation. These don’t deposite the particles in the bottom, they will be eliminated by the skimmer, boundless or drain, keeping the dirt captured into the filter. It prevents scum line formation, making it easier to clean. It is compatible with all kind of filtration systems (Vidromar, sand, diatomaceous earth, cartridges, zeolites…) and automatic cleaners.
Particularly suitable for the rapid recovery of water which is turbid or highly loaded with organic matter. It removes dead algae enzymatically by biodegrading them without saturating the filter. It prevents the formation of dirt on the waterline and biodegrades any grease and organic matter which may have built up inside the filter. Compatible with any disinfection system (chlorine, bromine, oxygen, etc.). Ideal for the maintenance of spas and heated pools.
A concentrated rinsing aid; it makes the water clearer within 24 ours and improves filtration performance. It may be used with any kind of filter medium, including diatoms and cartridge filters.
It coagulates, retaining the suspended particles and sun creams, without preventing the water from passing through filter or loss filtration quality. Fewer filter washes are required and retained dirt is remover using less water. It prevents stains on the waterline caused by sun creams.
It consists of twelve or five individual 20g tablets, blister-packed in a plastic bag.
A product which improves the the degree of filtering and makes the water clearer by trapping all kind of particles in the filter (suntan cream, grease, dust, organic residues, etc.). Compatible with any type of filtering device (sand, cartridge, filter bags, glass, diatomaceus earth, zeolite, etc.).
Environmentally-friendly. It does not modify pH or overall alkalinity.
Containing 8 tablets of 8g individually plastic wrapper.
Technical clarifier to perform shock treatments to recover very cloudy waters in a short time, approximately in 12 hours. Extraordinarily improves filtration performance. It can be used with sand, glass, D.E. and cartridge filters. It doesn’t change the pH or alkalinity and doesn’t saturate the water. It’s recommended to perform a filter wash before applying the product and preferably place them in the prefilter of the pump, to get the best performance as quickly as possible, or in the skimmer.
Coagulant in tablets that improves the cleaning capacity of robots. They increase the size of the finest particles allowing the filter media (bag or cartridge) of the robot to retain them, minimizing the chimney effect by the turbine.
Add a tablet (without its protective film) inside the robot filter, if it has two compartments break it and place a part in each of them. Clean the cartridges after each cleaning cycle.
Ultra concentrated enzyme product specifically developed to destroy by biodegradation all kinds of organic matter and especially fats and sun creams that end up staining the waterline, swimsuits and clogging the filters. Reduces pool maintenance and improves water transparency without leaving residue in the bottom. Compatible with all chemical treatments, surfaces and types of filter media (sand, glass, cartridge, diatoms, zeolites, etc.).
It’s recommended to combine this product with the COAGULANT.
Apply PREVENTIVE ALGAECIDE one a month and obtain spectacular water with minimum effort.
A multi-purpose product with a fivehold effect:
A double action product, algaecide and brightener. It is totally compatible and perfect to reinforce the salt chlorination systems. It doesn’t produce scum or foam and contains no metal ions. It can be used as a shock treatment.
Suitable for elimination of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus.
It quickly removes all kinds of algae and is particularly suitable for black bacteria and black & brown algae. These species are highly resistant to algaecides and disinfectants.
It is advisable to use a stainless steel wire brush on the infected areas beforehead to optimize its effectiveness.
Bathing safe immediately after adding the product.
Phosphates are used to perform photosynthesis and are generated to a greater extent in pools with saline electrolysis or active oxygen.
PHOSPHATE REMOVER removes maintenance-hindering phosphates from the water and increases the effectiveness of disinfectants.
Recommended for maintenance in concentrations of less than 500 ppb.
Ultra-concentred product for effectively removing phosphates with a level of more than 500 ppb.
These are generated to a greater extent in pools with saline electrolysis or active oxygen. We recommend analsying their concentration at the beginning of the season an, to perform the treatment if they present. This will facilitate maintenance of the pool throughout the season.
Bathing is safe immediately after its use and it is compatible with any disinfection system.
It accelerates the recovery of green water in combination with any oxidizing product (solid and liquid chlorine, oxygen, bromine, etc.), boosting disinfecting properties. It activates the chlorine in water with a high cyanuric acid (stabilizer) content, boosting disinfectant capacity to combat algae and bacteria (both white and pink). The water is safe for bathing 5 hours after its application, without the need to neutralize the surplus disinfectant.
It removes stains from the sides, bottom and steps of the pool.
Suitable for all kind of surfaces: tiles, liner and polyester.
Highly effective for eliminating yellow-brown stains and black spots in liner and polyester pools.
It does not corrode steps, spotlights, handrails or other stainless steel elements.
Iron, manganese and calcium sequestering agent. It avoids coloured water (black, brown, green, orange) due metallic ions that can be rusty by disinfectants. Progressively reduces precipitation of these metals.
It is stable to chlorine, so its effect is long-lasting.
A specific copper sequestrate.
It prevents this metal from:
It is chlorine-stable, as a result of which its effect is long-lasting.
It is a product for sealing pores and small fissures in the surface of the hydraulic circuit of pools and spas.
Add directly all around the pool or by the skimmer to improve its efficiency.
It solves the problem in 24 hours. Spectacular performance!
It prevents the presence of insects in the pool water. The insects cannot stay above the water or breathe under it and fall to the bottom of the pool.
A non-toxic product which keeps the pool water free of larvae and all kind of insects.
100% safe for bathing.